Use "mosaic law|mosaic law" in a sentence

1. Fatherly Instruction Under the Mosaic Law

2. What does the Mosaic Law emphasize?

3. The Mosaic Law clearly forbade bestiality.

4. The Mosaic Law covenant was perfect.

5. Christians are not under the Mosaic law.

6. The Mosaic Law promoted love above all else.

7. Were those not required under the Mosaic Law?’

8. The Mosaic Law had regulations about marriage and engagement.

9. Under the Mosaic Law, it is a capital offense.

10. Under the Mosaic Law, his parents had that duty.

11. The Mosaic Law was given to one nation —fleshly Israel.

12. How were civil-rights problems handled under the Mosaic Law?

13. □ What shows that the Mosaic Law emphasized mercy and compassion?

14. What was the levirate marriage mentioned in the Mosaic Law?

15. Because in the Mosaic Law, frogs were unclean for food.

16. 24:22) Christians are not bound by the Mosaic Law.

17. The Mosaic Law did not require an offering of wood.

18. How did the Mosaic Law reflect God’s view of marriage?

19. 2 That Law code, called the Mosaic Law, or simply “the Law,” was “holy and righteous and good.”

20. He contrasted the popular understanding of the Mosaic Law with the true intent of the Law.

21. They promised loyalty to their marriage contract, the Mosaic Law covenant.

22. Under the Mosaic Law, sacrifices were offered on a daily basis.

23. 13 Was the Mosaic Law a rigid, unmerciful body of rules?

24. He interpreted the Mosaic Law as if it were mere allegory.

25. 14 The Mosaic Law governed Israel’s affairs for over 1,500 years.

26. 11 Certain sacrifices stipulated by the Mosaic Law were considered communion offerings.

27. The Early Christians and the Mosaic Law The Watchtower, 3/15/2003

28. Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud.

29. What example from the Mosaic Law illustrates Jehovah’s feelings toward his people?

30. She carefully observed the Mosaic Law and doubtless went to the synagogue.

31. The good things that the Mosaic Law foreshadowed had gone into effect.

32. In the Mosaic Law, how did God stress the proper view of life?

33. Why should we be interested in understanding the significance of the Mosaic Law?

34. For instance, the Mosaic Law specifically warned God’s chosen people against false prophets.

35. The Mosaic Law taught respect and regard for older ones of both sexes.

36. How did the Mosaic Law define the place of children in the family arrangement?

37. 6, 7. (a) What differentiates the Mosaic Law from any other law code, and what is that Law’s greatest commandment?

38. The Mosaic law belongs to the former era and believers are no longer under the law (see esp. 15–.

39. Righteous angels executed God’s judgments and transmitted prophecies and directions, including the Mosaic Law.

40. The Mosaic Law clearly revealed that life begins, not at birth, but much earlier.

41. Under the Mosaic Law, deliberately testifying falsely could result in death for the accuser.

42. (Genesis 38:8) The arrangement, later incorporated into the Mosaic Law, was known as brother-in-law, or levirate, marriage.

43. The priests and Levites under the Mosaic law never found it necessary to beg.

44. The Israelites had to pay the reasonable taxes set out by the Mosaic Law.

45. What was the effect of adding oral laws and traditions to the Mosaic Law?

46. The Ten Commandments—the nucleus of the Mosaic Law—were written on stone tablets.

47. Foods prohibited by the Mosaic Law were likely included in the delicacies of the king.

48. These men were exacting usury from their fellow Jews in violation of the Mosaic Law.

49. What sanitary regulations in the Mosaic Law helped to prevent the spread of infectious diseases?

50. The sting producing death is sin, but the power for sin is the [Mosaic] Law.

51. Moreover, faith in Christ, not compliance with the Mosaic Law, purifies a believer’s heart. —Gal.

52. Then, accompanied by her husband, Joseph, she traveled to Jerusalem in obedience to the Mosaic Law.

53. Many Jews rejected Jesus and his teachings because they doggedly clung to the Mosaic Law.

54. What sanitary regulation in the Mosaic Law would be considered reasonable by modern medical science?

55. The Mosaic Law forbade leaving a criminal to hang all night on the execution stake.

56. So he used that account, as well as an example from the Mosaic Law, to reveal the balanced spirit of the Law.

57. Mosaic Law has been taken out of the way by God through Christ (2:13-23)

58. (Luke 2:24) According to the Mosaic Law, this offering was a provision for the poor.

59. (Acts 15:23-29) Christians were not required to get circumcised and keep the Mosaic Law.

60. Remember, Jesus was born to a Jewish mother and came to be under the Mosaic Law.

61. Since Herod Antipas claimed to follow the Mosaic Law, John had properly exposed this adulterous union.

62. The Mosaic Law was abolished on the basis of Jesus’ death, so monetary tithing is not a requirement.

63. The Mosaic Law specifically forbade the Israelites to walk in the statutes of those nations. —Leviticus 20:23.

64. Interestingly, it seems that under the Mosaic Law, marriages and births were officially recorded. —Matthew 1:1-16.

65. (Acts 10:45) Would Gentile males first need to be circumcised and to submit to the Mosaic Law?

66. 18 To many of them it seemed abhorrent to suggest that the Mosaic law was other than final.

67. What did Ruth begin to think about, and what provision did the Mosaic Law make for the poor?

68. The Mosaic Law required that a mother undergo purification for 40 days after giving birth to a male.

69. The Mosaic Law had provisions for quarantining lepers for health reasons, but there was no basis for unkindness.

70. 3. (a) As explained at Romans 13:8-10, what do we discover when we study the Mosaic Law?

71. 6 On the contrary, the Mosaic Law included sanitary regulations that would be considered reasonable by modern medical science.

72. In connection with worship under the Mosaic Law, cattle, sheep, and goats were among the creatures acceptable for sacrifice.

73. IN THE first century C.E., Jehovah revealed to his people that Jesus’ ransom sacrifice had abolished the Mosaic Law.

74. How does the relationship of Kingdom heirs with the Father compare with that of Jews under the Mosaic Law?

75. (De 24:16) The penalty for theft of valuables was generally not restitution, as in the Mosaic Law, but death.

76. [The Passover] is the oldest of the Jewish festivals, celebrating an event in advance of receiving the traditional Mosaic Law.

77. To what extent do the limits on marriage between relatives set out in the Mosaic Law apply to Christians today?

78. 17 To interpret his significance they turned to the Hebrew sacred books, the Mosaic law as well as the prophetic writings.

79. They gladly agree to pay him 30 silver pieces, the price of a slave according to the Mosaic Law covenant.

80. To interpret his significance they turned to the Hebrew sacred books, the Mosaic law as well as the prophetic writings.